October 27, 2018 - 15 Toronto Sunrise Rotarians, partners and family enjoyed Rotary Reunion 2018 - the District 7070 Annual Conference in beautiful Prince Edward County. Great focus on 6 important ways to make the world better: water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, peace and conflict resolution, disease prevention and treatment, and economic and community development. There's more, including social media posts from the event, at http://rotary7070conference.org/
Congratulations to DG Mary Lou Harrison (of Toronto Sunrise!), co-Chairs Deb Murray and Rob Leek, and to all the Toronto Sunrisers who helped. Thanks also to the Wellington and Picton Clubs for Sweet County Welcome Friday night, and to all the area Rotarians who offered home hospitality!

Left to right: Brenda Stewart, Douglas the Flamingo of Change, Jameel Rahman, Sandie Butterill and Zareen Rahman.

Bob Butterill, Past District Governor Jim Loutitt and current District Youth Exchange co-Chair Jason Pole deep in discussion...