Envisioning A New Club - the Rotary Club of Danforth
Posted on Jul 19, 2016
Rotary Club of Toronto Sunrise member Farid Siddiqui joined our club and expressed a vision, to establish a club in the Danforth area of Toronto. Farid has held a variety of Rotary leadership positions in Bangladesh, and as he arrived in Toronto he found that there were a number of experienced Rotarians in his community who had not found a suitable club in their community.
Sunday July 17, Farid chaired a club organizing meeting which was attended by over a dozen experienced Rotarians and over two dozen new member prospects. District Governor Jim Louttit and Rotary Club of Toronto Sunrise Club President Clark Ferguson were honoured to attend the meeting and share their Rotary experience and support for the proposed club.
On Tuesday July 19, Toronto Sunrise was pleased to welcome Moyeen Choughury (Past President/Past Asst District Governor Rotary Bangladesh), and Suhel Ahmed (Past President Rotary Bangladesh) as guests of Farid to our club meeting. (Photo: Clark, Suhel, Moyeen, Jameel, and Farid)