Adventure in Citizenship
Adventure in Citizenship
Rotary Toronto Sunrise is pleased to support Adventure in Citizenship, a Rotary program of the Rotary Club of Ottawa, which supports Youth leadership development.
This annual event provides a unique opportunity for a selected group of young Canadians (aged 16 to 18) to come together to gain a better understanding of our country. Through meetings with political leaders, senior officials and others, they learn a great deal about the workings of our democratic institutions. Through meeting one another and having discussions among themselves, they learn to appreciate the diversity of Canada and the privileges and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship.
Sponsorship of participants in this program is limited to Canadian Rotary Clubs, and a club may sponsor only one student between the ages of 16 and 18.
In 2015, the Rotary Toronto Sunrise club sponsored Rachel Harrison. ( Further details - posted Aug 12, 2015 )
In 2016, the club is pleased to be sponsoring Spencer Gilmore. Spencer will be presenting to the club on his experience early in the summer.
The application process for 2017 will open in January 2017.