Fort York Food Bank

For more than a decade, the Fort York Food Bank (FYFB) been delivering a program of integrated services focused on reconnecting people with our community. We do this by working with partners who share our vision to:
Feed the hungry - provide the basic nutritional requirements to individuals and families in need.
Help people get on track - provide counselling, training and advocacy to help people find jobs, safe housing and appropriate social/community programs.
Help people get on track - provide counselling, training and advocacy to help people find jobs, safe housing and appropriate social/community programs.
The Rotary Club of Toronto Sunrise has supported the FYFB since 2014. In addition to raising funds to improve the kitchen facilities at the FYFB, we prepare a hot meal on the second Saturday of each month for over 150 food bank guests.
For further information on FYFB, see the Rotary Showcase page on the Fort York Food Bank, or contact Bob Butterill.
Nov 3, 2015, Central Toronto Rotary clubs ( including: Toronto Sunrise, Parkdale High Park,Toronto Skyline, Toronto Twilight, and the Rotaract Club of Toronto ) met for a potluck dinner at the Fort York Food Bank.